Right now I am totally flabbergasted! I am in total shock that I have actually achieved my first sale from my first niche website in 10 days of beginning! But what is even more shocking is that the website is not even complete!!! Sorry in advance for all the techie talk but no backlinking, search engine optimization or promotion has been attempted yet which makes me question how my site was found? All I can put it down to was a simple Google search even though Google barely knows the ... Read More
Take Imperfect Action When Its Crunch Time
Have you ever been at the point where you felt everything was firing on all cylinders to your goal then out of nowhere, then Bam! It crumbles before you? You want to try to control the situation only to realise the more you grapple with it, the worse it gets? When on the path to generating your own passive income stream curve balls WILL be thrown at you. Whether it be Google updates, lack of time, dealing with people or unforeseen events there always seems to be something that will interrupt ... Read More
How to keep focused in the early days of building passive income
Recently most of my time has been spent setting up social media and goofing around with Wordpress themes, theme detectors , plugins and plenty of other time wasting activities. Sure, whenever you're trying to build an online presence some of these processes are important but there has got to be a point when enough is enough and you have to just get on with it! Sometimes you might think you're working toward building passive income, when in reality you're probably not. How can you tell if ... Read More