Scooter Crashes, New Recruits and the Up and Coming Passive Income Niche Site Challenge..

Back in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Things have been super crazy of late and I feel terrible I haven’t put a post up sooner. But believe me when I tell you what has happened recently, especially with building any form of passive income for that matter.. you will totally understand.
We arrived in Siem Reap a little over 2 weeks ago to help our monk friend with his English school. We rented a scooter and on first trip back from visiting the school…. what happens?? Yep we had an accident!! An effin’ tuk tuk was on the wrong side of the road at night with no headlight and we clipped the mud guard as we swerved in an attempt to avoid head on!!! What a bloody drongo! Grrrr!!
I will say that if you ever do come to Siem Reap and you want to hire a scooter to look around. Unless you’re a very experienced rider…. DON’T DO IT!. It is the most dangerous place I have ever ridden! I’ve got more than 15 years experience and it freaks me out.
Despite Sal’s foot being pounded to mince meat and our volunteering efforts coming to a grinding halt, she is on her way to a full recovery. We have so much to be grateful as the situation could have been far worse – sheesh!.
We are heading to the USA in a couple of weeks for the conferences we’ve been waiting almost a year to attend! Thankfully she is mobile enough to get there! We wouldn’t want to miss it for the world or some !!
Moving on…
The Philippino Freelancers
The new recruits are off to a flying start with the design and coding they’re producing. I must say I’m impressed even though the lack of experience. Our LATG blog build project is taking a little longer than expected so I reassigned them a new project so they didn’t have to sit around twiddling their thumbs.
Like I said, I’ve been quite happy with what Glenn and Sophia have shown and have been brewing ideas away for their next assignment. The current projects are on a voluntary basis to test their skill, so my expectations are low on when LATG would be finished as long as it was of the highest quality.
Next time, I’m going to raise the stakes, and my expectations. As my intention going forward is to make an income from web based niche sites, the next project is going to be pai.. The time has come to sit down and get serious (but not forgetting to have fun along the way). The new team are going to have their work cut out for them and it will be an interesting test. They have the heart and the energy so I’m hoping they can bring it!
Soooo get to the point already Tim!!!
Up and Coming Passive Income Niche Site Challenge
Ok, Ok! You’re probably wondering what my first project is going to be?? Well as I don’t want to create problems for myself before the site is well and truly established I’m not going to give away the exact niche I plan on mastering or the domain name once I have one.. What I’m happy to show and tell is the niche category and all the nitty gritty strategy stuff I use to make it all come together. (sorry boys and girls).
I’ve read too many times that once you tell the world about your project. I’ve read about cases of people creating an almost replicas of your site or the cruel event of some poor soul who has jealousy issues who tries to sabotage your progress by using certain spam backlinking strategies to make you look bad so Google’s search algorithms hate you. Totally not cool!!
Both Pat Flynn and Spencer Haws have shown in the past what people can get up to *frowns*.
Now that we have got that out of the road here’s for the really exciting bit!…
As part of the project, Dan the Brazilian man, who you may remember from previous posts and is actually from Brazil and not Portugal (what a fail!), have decided to have our own little Pat Flynn style ‘Niche Site Duel’ – Don’t know what I’m talking about – Look here.
Really Exciting!!!
Dan and his girlfriend Hannah have started a new blog on their travels. Check it out here.
Now Dan has been in the game a little longer than me (more like a lot). He is already earning a passive income from his sites and is also a fully fledged PHP programmer. So good luck to me! So stay tuned with the up and coming challenge… Its going to be pack full of freakin’ fun and steepest learning curve I have experienced.
Can’t wait.
Tell us your thoughts.