Back in March I wrote a post on how I met Dan the Brazilian man in Pai, Thailand. If you missed out on the story read about it here and here. As Dan, Hannah (Dan’s partner) from StoryV and I have gotten to know one another we have wanted to follow a similar theme to Pat Flynn’s Niche Site Duel but we have created our own around a UFC theme for kicks. I’m super excited as we are finally getting around to making it happen. Yay! And if you’re wondering what the heck a Niche site duel or challenge is – basically its two entrepreneurs who have website building skills going head to head to see who can create a modest online income stream in the shortest period of time via their niche website.
So why the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) theme?
Dan in his brilliance came up with the idea as a great way to keep us motivated toward finding new ways to support ourselves living and adventuring abroad. So like any epic sporting events, whether it be Fight Night, UFC or the FIFA world cup, everybody feels the momentum and anticipation of cheering for your favourite fighter or team to win a championship. But here’s the clincher –
The big difference with UFC is that the gloves are off!
There are very few rules! (But no low blows)
And expect blood….
…………. and I wont be taking on Dan!
Here’s the twist! The original plan was for Dan and I to take on the challenge together but he has been recently snowed under with freelance work. So Dan’s partner, Hannah, is going to take up the mantle and run with the Niche Website Championship. So Hannah professes to be an absolute rookie but she has a few skills up her sleeve where she will come out of the corner swinging hard.
Now don’t expect me to be trying to virtually kick the crap out of Hannah online but it would make for some great entertainment. Actually there will be a lot of calibration to help one another do well because at the end of the day we want to see each other succeed – with the spice of competition attached 😉
At the end of the day we want to both see each other do well and continue to live our dreams of a living an adventure.
To make things interesting here are the bios:
Hannah Vs Tim
In the red corner:
Hannah ‘The Absolute Amateur’ Finch
Years experience: <1
Number of niche sites: 0
Current Monthly Income: 0
Skills: WordPress, writing, copywriting, social media
# of countries travelled: 15
# of countries lived in: 3
Total time travelled: Really, I’ve been travelling all my life – as a child with my family, with friends when school was over and now with Dan. But I guess I’ve been travelling independently for 5 years.
Life’s motto: In order to truly learn and grow in life we must step out of the small bubble we all know so well. It can do immeasurable and amazing things for the mind!
Tim ‘The Tyro’ Sutton
Number of niche sites: 1
Current Monthly Income: $10
Skills: WordPress, basic HTML and CSS coding, Sales and a jack-of-all-trades
# of countries travelled: 28
# of countries lived in: 4
Total time travelling: 3 years and 1 month
Life’s motto: The meaning of life is to give life meaning.
Announcing our challenge now could have come at a better time. I have been hitting a few obstacles in the early stages of my building first affiliate site. Essentially I am finding it difficult to get the first niche site to rank well in Google. The work needed to get Google to like your website can take a lot of time, effort, money, strategy and a ton of patience. The process has been wearing me down and I could use a little mojo to keep the fire alive.
In addition, at the time of writing this post I was seriously considering heading back to Chiang Mai to focus my efforts and use my time there to connect with other fellow digital nomads in the same space. Unfortunately this post got delayed with freelancer issues with the cheesy picture above. Right now I’m on my way to Chiang Mai but right now I’m helping my friends first from Jhai Coffee House with a clean water well project in Paksong, Laos. I’m nowhere near the goal of $1k per month so I think its a good thing from a business perspective. But before I make a firm decision there are a few things I need to sort of in my personal life first.
From the recent course I have been working through, the strategy is to build a site based on one product and funnel the customer to the merchants website. With this challenge I plan to take an approach contrary to course.
I have found a niche within the health industry that has a ton of products around it with low keyword competition. So instead of building an individual niche website for each product, I will create an authority website showcasing and reviewing all the products in that niche – like creating multiple niche sites under one domain name.
This is going to be super exciting and for all intensive purposes I will do my best to keep it as transparent as possible but I can not reveal the domain name. I’m sorry but I can’t put all my efforts at risk to those who are aces in this game. I hope you understand…
But for now – Ding! Ding!
LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell us your thoughts.